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Home security can be a major concern for many families. Everyone wants to protect their family members and possessions from robbery and burglaries. While the task may seem daunting at first, you can keep your house as the sanctuary you deserve, even without purchasing an expensive security system. Here are a few ways you can strengthen your home.

1. Secure Your Doors and Windows

Although this is a simple and seemingly obvious concept, it is also one of the most important. Simply locking your doors can deter a potential invasion. The front door is a great place to start, especially if this house is new to you. Start things off right by getting new locks when you move in. You can use locksmith services Orlando to install, fix, or open locks for you. The doors and windows should not be unlocked even when you are home. 

2. Make the House Look Occupied, Even When It Isn’t

Your residence is most vulnerable when you go on vacation. An empty house is an exposed house. However, there are several ways you can make it look as if people are still there, especially with the help of your neighbors and friends. They can help bolster the defense in front of your house by checking your mail and parking in your driveway. If you will be gone for an extended amount of time, you can ask them to mow your lawn. Don’t forget to return the favor when they go out of town.

3. Keep Track of Your Possessions

Safeguard everything you own. Write down your most important belongings along with their approximate value. Guard them in a safe or locked filing cabinet. 

Although a break-in is unlikely, there is no excuse for not properly reinforcing your domicile. This guide should serve you well as a jumping-off point.